Our Program Highlights

Personalized Pathways

Every child is unique and possesses potential for success across multiple dimensions such as academic, athletic, interpersonal, musical, and artistic.  In alignment with Gardner’s multiple intelligences theory, Bedford Academy’s innovative program will engage children in experiences that will help develop their own personal abilities and talents.  This begins with getting to know each child individually and developing a personalized pathway through Bedford Academy’s innovative offerings that fosters these capacities. Prior to beginning the school year, teachers will meet with individual families with the aim of collaboratively developing a growth plan that will be the foundation for a child’s experience in the program.  Then, through mid and end of term feedback and conferences, families will reflect on this growth path and as needed make adjustments to ensure children receive the support and guidance they need to realize their potential.

Student-Centered & STEAM Inspired Curriculum

At Bedford Academy we believe in Pedagogical instruction in which children are active learners and engaged in exploration, investigation, and problem solving makes learning meaningful.  Thus, across all grade levels, instruction will actively engage children in their learning via strategies such as project-based learning.  Further, given the technological landscape of the 21st century, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) knowledge has emerged as essential for the future success of today’s children. Beginning in the Primary School and continuing to the Lower School, Bedford Academy will utilize a STEAM-inspired curriculum.  Based on the grade level, children will engage daily in STEAM activities that tie together learning to the relevant standards-based, core topics, themes, or units.  This integrated, multi-disciplinary approach to teaching and learning will include opportunities to engage with the engineering design cycle, collaborate and communicate with their peers, and make connections across subject areas. 

Fitness & Well-Being Focused

An important part of all children’s development is physical and mental well-being.  Benefits associated with physical activity for elementary age children include improved focus and problem-solving ability, increased retention of information, and reduced stress and anxiety.  In addition, the overall health benefits are numerous.  Thus, as part of Bedford Academy’s program, children in the Primary School will begin their day with music and movement time and then, engage in daily recess time in an age-appropriate, fully equipped, fenced playground area.  Kindergarten and Lower School children will also engage on a daily basis in structured physical education time that include manipulative activities such as jump rope, low organization games, gymnastics movements, and development of sportsmanship and fair game play.  In addition, children will have the option of engaging in morning yoga prior to the beginning of school in Bedford Academy’s indoor fitness room. During this time, children will also learn mindfulness strategies as means for how to recognize and react positively to their thoughts, emotions, and actions.

Quality Faculty & Staff

Our grade school’s PE program provides students with a positive learning environment where each student is given the opportunity to feel empowered through fitness and sport. Activities are centered on skill development, lifetime fitness concepts, team building and cooperative learning. Key elements in PE for students in grades Pre-K to Grade 2 include learning important movement foundations such as locomotor moves, throwing, catching, kicking and striking, as well as building important teamwork skills. Key elements for students in grades 3-5 include learning various types of dance, the basics of team sports, positive conflict resolution methods and various elements of physical fitness. 

Positive School Culture

Bedford Academy provides a highly individualized learning program for every student. You’ll witness all your students improve with self‑paced lessons that fill in gaps, move them forward and provide challenges so that they experience success at every stage.

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